Long Weekenders

Hike NameClosest CityParkHiking Distance KM (return)Hiking Time HR (return)Avg GradeElevation Gain (metres)Top Elevation (metres)Driving Time HR (from Vancouver) Dogs AllowedTransit-Accessible HutCamping AllowedClass4x4 Needed
Dogtooth TraverseGoldenKickinghorse16824588YNNNlong weekendersN
Mount SteeleSecheltTetrahedron Provincial Park18820016563NNYYlong weekendersN
Phillips Ridge/Arnica LakeCampbell RiverStrathcona Provincial Park12880012106YNNYlong weekendersN
Stave LakeMaple RidgeN/A44204665681YYYYlong weekendersY
Three Brothers (Heather Trail)HopeE.C. Manning Provincial Park4420349022723YNNYlong weekendersN
Wedge MountainColeman, ABN/A8101690193513YNNYlong weekendersN
Rocky TopPortland, ORWillamette National Forest2.4119515287YNNYlong weekenders
All distances and times indicated are for a return trip unless otherwise noted. Driving time is estimated from downtown Vancouver. Sort info by clicking the arrow at the top of each column. Click hike name for link to trail description.