Gear Review: EVO Ankle Brace Stabilizer


This is a hiking gear review of the soft ankle brace EVO Ankle Stabilizer.

Video Review

Two weeks ago I rolled my ankle during a kickboxing class at Diaz Combat Sports in East Van (they’re an AWESOME gym, I’m just clumsy). My sports Physio (City Sports & Physio) thinks it may actually be fractured despite the original x-ray showing clear so she recommended I wear an ankle brace for support while I heal.

On my Physio’s recommendation I went to the Sportsmed BC at 1861 West Broadway in Vancouver. As someone who enjoys an active lifestyle it was important to me to have an ankle brace that was supportive enough to help me get back to normal capability asap but also flexible enough to not completely limit what I could do during the healing process. I tried on a few different ankle braces but the EVO Ankle Stabilizer felt like the best choice.

EVO ankle stabilizer, ankle brace, ankle sprain, twisted ankle, rolled ankle, how to heal, medical equipment EVO ankle stabilizer, ankle brace, ankle sprain, twisted ankle, rolled ankle, how to heal, medical equipment

Progress Report

I’ve been wearing the ankle brace for almost two weeks now and it has been working out well. It has a low enough profile to wear with work shoes, running shoes and hiking boots alike.

EVO ankle stabilizer, ankle sprain, twisted ankle, rolled ankle, how to heal, medical equipment
Brace in hiking trail shoes
EVO ankle stabilizer, ankle brace, ankle sprain, twisted ankle, rolled ankle, how to heal, medical equipment
Brace in hiking boots

It is supportive enough to help me feel stabilized during hikes, cycles, gym sessions and more. I wear it anytime I’m going to be on my feet for any length of time. My ankle is still swollen so the compression from the brace helps a lot. If I’m at the office I periodically take it off because while it helps a lot, it does start digging in after a while and while not intolerable by any means, I think it’s good to take a break and let the skin breathe.

It’s easy to put on and take off. It’s light and Fits easily in a purse or backpack.


The biggest concern I’ve heard about the ankle brace is the Velcro wearing. To prolong the life of the brace, secure the straps while not in use.

All in all it’s a great ankle brace. I would highly recommend it.

Buy it now at the link below. It’s much cheaper to buy on Amazon than from a physio or sports injury store.

Note I was not paid for this review, nor given the product for free.